Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tonyscallon Lake Community Information Evening, Monday 30th January 2012

A very informative and well attended Information session was held in The Jubilee hall on Monday 30 January 2012.

The community were invited through local Press and word of mouth to hear the Consultants engaged in carrying out the feasibility and ecological surveys outline their findings.

Allen Mc Adam, MCA Consultancy, was engaged initially by the Doohamlet District Community Development Association (DDCDA) to investigate the possibility of a walkway being developed along the periphery of the lake for the benefit of local residents as a recreation amenity to walk, fish and enjoy. Furthermore he was required to consult with all affected landowners on any possible concerns that such development might generate. During his presentation he outlined the most favourable route, identified issues and proposed solutions for concerns raised such as effects on Farm Payments, Public Liability Insurance, Anti Social behaviour etc. He delivered a comprehensive report accompanied by maps of the lake supporting his findings. After consulting with Monaghan Co Co, in the absence of any previous ecological studies having been carried out in the Doohamlet area, he recommended as a next step for an ecology/habitat survey be carried out to support any future application for Planning Permission. The feasibility study can be viewed here.

Will Woodrow, Woodrow Sustainable Solutions was engaged to carry out his study which involved some early morning vigilance to capture the bird and wildlife activity after dawn. His Presentation on the bird, habitat, flora and non-avian fauna survey was appreciated by all present. He followed with the effects any disturbance caused by any developments might have on the existing environment and offered options to minimise any negative impact on the area. Both presentations contain beautiful photographs of the lake and maps of the possible options which are being explored and makes very interesting reading. The ecology report can be downloaded here.

The next phase of the Project is to engage an engineer to assess the best possible route and prepare a Planning Application. This will require the imput of the affected Landowners as they best know the ground conditions and drainage implications etc

We would like to acknowledge the assistance of Cavan-Monaghan LEADER, the Minister and Department of Environment, Community, and Local Government, the EU and EAFRD in part-funding this Feasibility Study. Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013.

The ecology report was co-funded through Monaghan County Council’s Community Development Fund 2011 and by the DDCDA from it's own resources.

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