Sunday, November 20, 2011

Prepare for Winter Weather

After the extreme cold weather of the last 2 years, here are some tips on preparing for the winter ahead;

Get set for severe weather with some good advice from the Road Safety Authority and from the Department of Defence site

During icy periods Monaghan County Council salt the main road network - to see which roads closest to you are salted see the Monaghan County Council Salt Route Network. After the salt shortages of last year, Monaghan County Council has advised householders and business owners to take some measures to prepare themselves. They have launched a Purchase a salt bin scheme, where they are making pre-filled salt bins available at €170. Although the first salt fill is included, the Council will not make any additional salt available, and purchasers are responsible for buying any future salt requirements privately. If your travel arrangement from your property to the main road network were affected by ice and snow last year it may be worth considering this scheme. More information is available here. The Council website also has a list of local salt stockists.

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