Sunday, March 4, 2012

Doohamlet's New Biodiversity Garden

Great news - Doohamlet is getting a Peace III funded biodiversity garden!

The new garden will be developed alongside the river at Doohamlet Community Centre and is a great opportunity for people to get involved in a hands on project. The garden will enhance our area and provide a valuable recreational amenity.

People of all nationalities and religions, from inside and outside the area and people with no gardening experience to people with the greenest of fingers are encouraged to participate. We want all agegroups to take part, from grandchildren to grandparents (Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult).

The Doohamlet garden is one of three different gardens being developed under the Monaghan Community Forum ‘Hands Together’ II Project. The other gardens are located in Monaghan Town and Donaghmoyne. Horticulture Students from Dun Laoghaire Senior College are currently designing garden layouts for the gardens - we are then given the opportunity to choose the best design for Doohamlet. We will then all work together to enact the plan with the help of a professional gardener to create our very own biodiversity garden.

You are invited to come along to a public information evening about the project in Doohamlet Community Centre on Monday, 26th March 2012 at 8pm. This will outline how the project will be rolled out and give more information about the background.

On Saturday the 31st March 2012 the students from horticultural college will present their proposals for the development of all 3 gardens during a planning day in the Glencarn Hotel. The planning day will run from 10am until 4pm, and Carmel Brennan, Monaghan County Council's biodiversity officer will also give a talk about biodiversity. Refreshments and lunch will be provided during the day.

On Monday the 16th April 2012 we will have a final planning evening in Doohamlet Community Centre to locally discuss the designs developed by the students of Dun Laoghaire Senior College and to decide on the best proposal for Doohamlet's garden. Over the following weeks a professional gardener to help us build and plant Doohamlet's new biodiversity garden. Dara MacGabhainn of Monaghan Community Forum will be facilitating this project - click here for more information.

Everyone is welcome to participate in this exciting project, whether you want to be involved in heavy lifting, planting plants, taking photos of the developing garden or simply to make a welcome cup of tea for the workers. Remember - Many Hands make Light Work!

Please come along to Doohamlet Community Centre on Monday, 26th March 2012 at 8pm to find out more.

This project is part financed by the European Union’s European Regional Development fund through the PEACE III Programme funded through Monaghan PEACE III Partnership.

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