Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Doohamlet Gardeners Travelling to Monaghan, 15th September 2012

After 15 weeks, 60 local volunteers, over 70  volunteers in total, many long Saturdays, some long weekday evenings and lots of determination and co-operation, the Doohamlet Biodiversity Garden is almost finished.

Our garden has definitely proved Community Spirit is alive and well. People have worked side by side with great results, and the results are obvious. The garden is much bigger than originally planned, and the amount of work required has been a lot more than we ever imagined.
We've had all types of people involved; tradesmen, craftsmen, children, labourers, supervisors, bosses, drivers, helpers and most importantly Tea and Lunch makers, turning up each and every week to get the project finished. The success of a project can be measured by whether people still want to take part as the project draws to a close. We had new people turning up all the time, and in week 15 almost 10 new people came along to help. We think the garden has been a great success!
Now we're nearly there, and 1 or 2 more weeks will see the garden finished. We're planning a celebration to thank everyone for all their hard work - more details on this will follow.
Although we still have some work to do on our own garden, next Saturday we're planning to put our Community Spirit to good use somewhere else.
A similar garden project place has been taking place in the Wellness Centre in Monaghan over the past 15 weeks too. They are developing a sensory garden at their facility on Rowantree Road in Monaghan Town. The garden is very similar to ours in a lot of ways, but they have a bit more work to do before it's finished. They really want to finish the garden so that users of the centre can start using it. At a DDCDA meeting on Tuesday night it was suggested and agreed we should support them.
The Wellness Centre in Monaghan is a Not-For-Profit facility which hosts a wide range of support services for Body, Mind and Spirit. Alcoholics Anonymous, parents of special needs children and cancer support sufferers are just a few of the groups who meet there. On Thursdays, 50 women from Crocus Cancer support meet there. They also provide counselling and holistic therapies, and are in discussions with some other support groups about extending their range of services.
The Wellness Centre Garden will be there for all users of the Centre. It has shelters and outside rooms where people can sit and talk. It has quiet areas for relaxation. Scented plants and herbs stimulate the senses. The fencing and woodwork has been painted in soothing shades of green. So far, the volunteers at the Wellness Centre have done a fantastic job, but there's still jobs to be finished;
- Kerbing Cobbles need to be laid in concrete along the paths
- Concrete bases need to be installed in the shelters
- 10 tons of woodchip needs to be moved into place and spread (mostly using wheelbarrows)
- Woodwork on Pergolas needs to be finished
- Walls need to be plastered.
These are all jobs we have done before in our Community Garden. So lets put our experience to good use in Monaghan.  
If you can help at all, even if you have not been able to help out at the Doohamlet Garden, please come along to the Wellness Centre, The Grange, Rowantree Road, Monaghan (Just off Hospital Hill) This Saturday, 15th September, any time between 9.30am and 4pm.
(Please note; there will be no formal get together at Doohamlet garden this weekend)
This project is part financed by the European Union’s European Regional Development fund through the PEACE III Programme funded through Monaghan PEACE III Partnership.

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