Friday, February 27, 2015

Doohamlet Insect Hotel Project

In 2014 the DDCDA successfully received funding from Monaghan County Council's Local Agenda 21 Environment Partnership Fund 2013/2014 to undertake an environmental awareness project in the village. We aimed to build new habitats for wildlife in an effort to raise awareness of biodiversity and habitat loss in our area. As part of our Local Agenda 21 Environmental Awareness Project we have decided to focus on insects, but Why? Only 26 land mammal species are native to Ireland Ireland has 375 fish species in its coastal waters About 400 bird species have been recorded in Ireland. There are an estimated 11,500 species of insect recorded in Ireland. Many more remain to be found! Insects form a major part of our natural environment and are a key part of the local foodchain and ecosystem. A large insect hotel and signboard in the Community Garden explains the project and explains how you can create your own insect hotel, while 9 smaller insect hotels have been placed around the village to raise people's awareness of the project. Have you been able to find all 9 of them?? Many thanks to Monaghan County Council who funded the project, Paul Markey and James Rushe for their help in building the insect hotels, and to Eamonn Connolly and the Community Employment Scheme for their assistance in erecting them.

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