Thursday, June 9, 2011

Killyfole Study visit

Five DDCDA Lake sub committee members visited Killfole lake 4 mile outside of Roslea on Tuesday evening 7 June 2011. The current and former Chairpersons of the Killyfole Development Association met with us there.

The background to the Killyfole development is that the lake was a former Reservoir providing water to the area since the 1960’s. Back then the Water Board bought the lands on the periphery of the lake from the relevant landowners. When this facility was closed in 1996 , the Dev Assoc lobbied the Council to acquire the lake from the Water Board and eventually the Fermanagh Council secured the rights to the lake. The Water Board had already a perimeter fence sourrounding the lake. While the lake is along the main Roslea to Lisnaskea road (4 miles from Roslea on left hand sidein Aghdrumsee Parish ) it wasn’t visible from the road such was the overgrowth.

The Project involved clearing away a lot of scrub to make a path the whole way round the lake – this they did by pushing uprooted trees and debris etc out into the lake securing a base for several islands in the lake. This hasn’t proved very successful as the increase in water levels through out the year has flooded some of the sites that birds were nesting in but they are hopeful that one of the islands is high enough to avoid flooding. They constructed a concrete pathway along the road side section of the lake. This is to facilitate wheelchair, buggy’s etc and it’s probably 3 quarters of a mile long - the remainder of the pathways are either gravel or elevated wooden decking. The walk around the entire lake is 1.4 miles. There are a number of fishing stands around the lake and picnic benches and seats. Along the road there is a Parking area and signage erected promoting the facilities at the lake but if you take a left before you come to the lake and the next right it brings you down to the old Reservoir building and there is further parking there. To the left of this area a little wooden fence is erected in the lake which denotes a safe bathing area. Sand was transported into this area and a lovely little beach is available in good weather – apparently up to the 60’s, before the reservoir & swimming pools – locals would have used this lake for bathing etc . While there’s fish in the lake - it wouldn’t be seen as a major fishing attraction. A local group have just recently set up a Canoeing club and take over an hour to canoe around the lake. The entire project was contracted out and was completed in 4 months. All agreed it has made a huge difference to the area.

There must have been over 30 people walking, jogging, with dogs in the short time we were there – it was buzzing.

This was a wonderful fact finding mission for the five of us - and a beautiful evening to enjoy the walk and it's surroundings -so watch this space for futher developments to Toneyscallon Lake. For some photos about the Killyfole Lake project, please see the Doohamlet Gun Club Blog post.

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