Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Safe Talk Suicide Alertness Training

‘Suicide alertness for everyone’.

Youth Work Ireland Monaghan Youth Outreach Information and Training Service in conjunction with the HSE are hosting a Safe TALK on 15th September 2011 in Ionad na nOg Church Hill, Clones from 5-9pm. safeTALK teaches suicide alertness.

Why come to SafeTALK?
In only a few hours, you will learn how to provide practical help to persons who are having thoughts of suicide.
‘SafeTALK’ prepares you to be a suicide helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help. Often these opportunities to help are missed, dismissed or avoided - leaving people more alone and at greater risk.
SafeTALK training prepares you to help by using the steps of TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and KeepSafe) to identify and engage with people who are contemplating suicide and to connect them with further help and care. Come and learn how to identify persons who have thoughts of suicide and how to connect them to intervention resources. Learn how to do the very important tasks of first-responding. Everyone should know how to activate suicide alert.
15th September 2011 from 5-9pm in
Ionad na nOg, Church Hill, Clones

To register your place please call Melissa on 087 9057598 or email: outreachinfo@ywimonaghan.ie by 31st August 2011.

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